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The objective of this project is to bring awareness to medical negligence. Every citizen of this country has the right to fight for life and have justice served when they are harmed by others. Those of us still reeling from the impact of medical negligence and malpractice came to realize that individually battling such a formidable foe, equated to silence.

We want to ban together by launching our own campaigns that reveal the truths about "Tort Reform." We must stand up and speak out for change by bringing these issues to the forefront. A billboard offers a great venue for bringing about awareness to the organization and attention to the needs of these people harmed by medical negligence. as well as services that help victims and survivors. Join in with your friends, club members, other business and organizations in your community and raffle off tickets for a chance at securing your entity as sponsor for NMMAA.  Stand up, be seen and show the world that you stand for the rights of these victims and support the call for safer heath care practices. Co-Sponsor with the NMMAA today.  Contact our marketing department at today to find out more information and how you can get started on your Bill Board Project today!


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