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The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy association is the first organization in history to receive recognition through Proclamations on a local, state, and national level.


NMMAA continues to work diligently with local, state and national leaders across this county and is proud to announce that July has been proclaimed and/or acknowledge as Medical Malpractice Month in several states across this nations.

Medical Malpractice Awareness Month main objective is to bring about awareness, to ensure transparency in that the American people and people all over the world have the right to transparency and safer health care measures.  Through unity and education and the bringing together of likeminded individuals, the NMMAA as an organization will “END THE SILENCE” by providing Hope and promoting Healing and by allowing Honor to the memories of all those injured or lost due to medical negligence.


Hope that all local, state, national and federal agencies will be committed to fighting for injustices and disparities in our health care system;


Healing the hurt and the pain of the hearts of those that have been affected by medical negligence by providing them with direction, services and support and by allowing them a voice for change;


Honor and value the citizen’s rights of the United States for accountability and transparency and protect them from all harm and danger by ensuring that each individual has the right to obtain crucial and important information when making a health or medical decision.

“No man or entity should possess the power to withhold pertinent information that could result in the ending of a life.)

~Deirdre Gilbert Dickson, National Director of the National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association


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