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AMA Conspiracy to Monopolize Healthcare

(NaturalNews) Freedom in today’s America is mostly an illusion, especially as it pertains to healthcare. The medical industry is now so completely mired in corruption that people are dying left and right from government-approved drugs, vaccines, and surgeries that are speciously considered to be “safe and effective,” while “alternative” and natural remedies that actually work are vilified and unjustly regarded as quackery or fraud.

This is the subject matter of the powerful documentary film Doctored, which is now available for instant viewing through Amazon Prime. In this film, a cohort of like-minded doctors, patients, and health freedom advocates speak out against the corporate medicine monopoly that dominates healthcare and is actually making people sicker while suppressing real solutions and cures.

“The biggest contradiction in our culture today is calling medicine ‘healthcare,’” states one advocate of breaking up the American medical-industrial complex and restoring true health freedom for all. “We spend $2.7 trillion per year and we’re incredibly sick as a culture.”

AMA convicted of conspiracy to destroy chiropractic profession

The film reveals that the very industry that is supposed to be improving our collective quality of life and helping sick patients heal from disease is actually the number three killer of people in the U.S. today. This would not be the case if it weren’t for the incredible control and influence that the legalized drug cabals have over medicine today.

In addition to controlling the narrative and corruptly influencing which treatments are considered to be “acceptable” and which ones aren’t, the medical-industrial complex fights tooth and nail to suppress all competition, including other medicine protocols that threaten its profit goals. One area of medicine that has sustained considerable persecution in this regard is chiropractic.

In the film, it is revealed how the American Medical Association conspired to illegally destroy the chiropractic profession and was actually convicted of this evil plot in court. It turns out that many AMA members are biased doctors and patients who work on behalf of Big Pharma to protect the racket by targeting natural, effective and typically less expensive treatments that threaten the status quo.

“The AMA’s goal and objective was to contain and eliminate the profession of chiropractic,” states one advocate in the film. “And they did it in the most clandestine way possible.”

Modern health care is really “sick care” designed to enrich the pocketbooks of a select few. The so-called health care system, as we have repeatedly pointed out here at Natural News, is really just a profit-driven sick care system. Real physicians like Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who developed a legitimate cure for cancer using antineoplastons, are routinely vilified by the industry as quacks, while the true peddlers of quackery such as vaccine worshiper Paul Offit are often regarded as beacons of science-based medicine.

Don’t be fooled. The pharmaceutical industry and its drug pushers have just one goal in mind: to keep sick patients sick so they’ll keep coming back for more high-profit poisons. It’s not about cures or healing; it’s about money, power, and if you care to go deeper down the rabbit hole, eugenics and population reduction.

“I don’t think any of us would have a problem spending that much money if we got results, but we’re not getting the results for that investment,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, one of the leading natural healing practitioners in the world, about the utter futility of the trillions of dollars spent on sick care within the existing paradigm.

“Every year, 125,000 people die from properly prescribed prescription drugs.”

Film called "Doctored" Coming Soon a film by Jeff Hays

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